Jaw/Chin Filler

For the ultimate profile

We offer a variety of dermal fillers to contour and sculpt your jawline.

areas Face Chin Jawline
cost $800-1200
duration 30 Minutes
frequency 4-12 Months
Jaw/Chin Filler

What To Expect


Chin and Jawline filler will improve facial harmony by strengthening the jawline and chin, softening jowels, or defining the jawline.

How We Do It

One of our nurse injectors will consult with you about your desired results and perform a facial analysis to determine how much filler is needed to give you the ultimate chin and jawline. After determing which filler is suited best for you , your provider will inject in the treatment area.

Side Effects

Possible minor swelling and bruising and minor discomfort at the area treated

Time to Full Effect

You will see an immediate result, but will experience a period of swelling for up to 2 weeks after injection. During this time, your filler is still settling and you may notice unevenness, small bumps, and bruising. It is best to allow your filler to settle for at least 2 weeks before adding any additional filler.


Questions? We’ve got answers.

Will chin/jawline filler improve the appearance of my "double chin"?

In some cases, adding volume to you chin or jawline can help strengthen the bony support of your jaw, which can give the illusion of a slimmer jaw. Often, it is best to decrease the fat pad that sits underneath your chin using a treatment such as CoolSculpting

Who is a good candidate for jaw filler?

People of all ages are good candidates for chin and jaw filler. It is beneficial for patients who genetically have a weaker chin or jaw or those who are more mature and have lost bone density in those areas.
Pre-Care Instructions
Post-Care Instructions
Talk to Practitioner
If you are anxious or worried about your procedure, feel free to talk to the healthcare practitioner who will perform your procedure.
Avoid Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, St. John's Wort, oral Vitamin E, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) in the 24 hours prior to your treatment.
Sun Protection
Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or UV/tanning beds for 72 hours after the procedure.
Symptom Relief
Avoid vigorous scrubs, exfoliation or facial treatment in the area of treatment for 72 hours.
Cosmetic Procedure
Avoid Microdermabrasion or Vibradermabrasion for 72 hours after cosmetic dermal fillers.
Talk to Practitioner
If signs and symptoms of infection persist (warmth at the site of injection, discharge/pus, pain/discomfort) or if you develop a fever, please contact our office so our staff may assist you.

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